Our Churches Impact

A Special Thank You....

To each church for your generous and faithful financial gifts that support the mission work here at OCBA!

Mission Trips

Email the office with your church's missions details so we can add them to our website.


If your church is going on a mission trip in 2024 and interested in inviting volunteers from other churches to join you, we would be glad to spread the word! Please let us know here at the office when you are going on mission trips so we can be in prayer for you.

Our Churches Impact

Health Kits - April 2023

194 Health Kits were donated this year! Thank you very much to the eleven churches for donating & distributing!

PACE received 70 kits / Samaritan's House received 48 / Grace Home (along with female kits donated by Northside) received 70 kits /OCBA received 6 kits to use for homeless and future needs.

Community Bible Study

Every Tuesday morning at 10:00 AM at New Hope Baptist Church. All are welcome! Led by Rev. Henry Cooper of Gethsemane Baptist. You may contact Rev. Cooper at whenrycooper@icloud.com.

WMU Prisoner Bags - November 2023

574 Prisoner Bags were donated this year by 14 of our churches: Canaan, Double Branch, Fellowship, Beaver Creek, New Hope, Mt. Carmel, Providence, Two Mile Swamp, Neeses, St. George, Cameron, Branchville, St. Matthews First, and Four Holes. Mr. Randy Boland of Four Holes transported all the bags to NewSpring Church in Columbia. A big "Thank You" to everyone that helped support this SC Ministry!

Edisto Palmetto Charters

Captain Buddy Bizzell takes mission trips to Kenya focusing on supplying medicine, medical assistance, food, eye glasses, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Over 2000 pairs of reading glasses have been donated along donations to buy Bibles in Swahili to several villages. Donations of reading glasses can be dropped off at OCBA. Contact Buddy for more details at 803-603-2781.

West Virginia Christmas Mission

Mission Trip 2023
30 Churches contributed while 10 churches sent 55 people. We ministered to 10 churches and 4 food pantries with $13,820 for pastors as love gifts. We delivered 160 new comforters, 70 homemade/crocheted items (including clothing, hats, and toys), 5 baby blankets, 520 children's shoeboxes, 32 food boxes of new children's clothing, 27 homemade quilts, 275 complete food boxes, 325 cases of food, 522 racks of bread, 5 cases of fruit, 154 Senior cold kits, and 65 bags of clothes, along with 15 bicycles. Our Gilbert Creek service had over 80 in attendance with no public professions of faith and 1 recommitment. The Lord also provided several opportunities after the service in which we were able to "plant seeds".
Thank you all for your support and prayers!

Mission: Dignity

GuideStone's MISSION DIGNITY ministry helps almost 2000 retired Southern Baptist ministers, workers and their widows living on very limited income. Almost 60% are widows. One of every four is a pastor's widow age 85 or above.

Qualifying individuals receive $225 a month and couples receive $300 a month. The neediest persons with at least 25 years of SBC ministerial service may receive as much as $600.

MISSION DIGNITY ministry can accept a gift of any amount and nothing is taken out for administrative costs--100% is used to help someone in need! All gifts are tax deductible to the maximum allowed by law.
Do you know a pastor or widow in need? We'd like to help!

Visit MissionDignity.org and click "Refer Someone in Need" or call 1-888-98-GUIDE.

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